Typescript v5 Decorator 學習筆記



TS v5 版本的 decorator 在寫法上有更新,以下是相關介紹筆記


type Decorator =
  | ClassDecorator
  | ClassMethodDecorator
  | ClassGetterDecorator
  | ClassSetterDecorator
  | ClassFieldDecorator
  | ClassAutoAccessorDecorator;

1. Class decorators


type ClassDecorator = (
  value: Function,
  context: {
    kind: 'class';
    name: string | undefined;
    addInitializer(initializer: () => void): void;
) => Function | void;


class InstanceCollector {
  instances = new Set();
  install = (value, {kind}) => {
    if (kind === 'class') {
      const _this = this;
      return function (...args) { // (A)
        const inst = new value(...args); // (B)
        return inst;

const collector = new InstanceCollector();

class MyClass {}

const inst1 = new MyClass();
const inst2 = new MyClass();
const inst3 = new MyClass();


2. Class method decorators


type ClassMethodDecorator = (
  value: Function,
  context: {
    kind: 'method';
    name: string | symbol;
    static: boolean;
    private: boolean;
    access: { get: () => unknown };
    addInitializer(initializer: () => void): void;
) => Function | void;


function deprecatedMethod(target: Function, context: ClassMethodDecoratorContext) {
  if (context.kind === 'method') {
    const methodName = String(context.name);
    return function (...args: any[]) {
      console.log(`${methodName} is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.`)
      return target.apply(this, args);

class Person {
  greet() {
    console.log('Hello, my name is');

3. Class getter decorators, class setter decorators


type ClassGetterDecorator = (
  value: Function,
  context: {
    kind: 'getter';
    name: string | symbol;
    static: boolean;
    private: boolean;
    access: { get: () => unknown };
    addInitializer(initializer: () => void): void;
) => Function | void;

type ClassSetterDecorator = (
  value: Function,
  context: {
    kind: 'setter';
    name: string | symbol;
    static: boolean;
    private: boolean;
    access: { set: (value: unknown) => void };
    addInitializer(initializer: () => void): void;
) => Function | void;


function lazy(getter: Function, { kind, name }: ClassGetterDecoratorContext) {
  if (kind === 'getter') {
    return function () {
      const result = getter.call(this);
      Object.defineProperty(this, name, {
        value: result,
        writable: false,
      return result;

class C {
  get value() {
    return 'Result of computation';

const inst = new C();
console.log('1 inst.value', inst.value);
console.log('2 inst.value', inst.value);
console.log('3 end');

// 1 inst.value Result of computation
// 2 inst.value Result of computation
// 3 end

4. Class field decorators


type ClassFieldDecorator = (
  value: undefined,
  context: {
    kind: 'field';
    name: string | symbol;
    static: boolean;
    private: boolean;
    access: { get: () => unknown, set: (value: unknown) => void };
    addInitializer(initializer: () => void): void;
) => (initialValue: unknown) => unknown | void;


function twice(_: undefined, { kind }: ClassFieldDecoratorContext) {
  if (kind === 'field') {
    return (initialValue) => initialValue * 2;

class C {
  double = 3;

const inst = new C();
// 6

5. Auto-accessors: a new member of class definitions

在 class 欄位前加上 accessor 即可宣告,與普通欄位的差別如下:

  • A field creates either:
    • Properties (static or instance)
    • Private slots (static or instance)
  • An auto-accessor creates a private slot (static or instance) for the data and
    • A public getter-setter pair (static or prototype)
    • A private getter-setter pair (static or instance)
      • Private slots are not inherited and therefore never located in prototypes.


class C {
  accessor str = 'abc';
const inst = new C();
console.log(inst.str); // abc
inst.str = 'def';
console.log(inst.str); // def


class C {
  #str = 'abc';
  get str() {
    return this.#str;
  set str(value) {
    this.#str = value;



function readOnly({get,set}, {name, kind}) {
  if (kind === 'accessor') {
    return {
      init() {
        return UNINITIALIZED;
      get() {
        const value = get.call(this);
        if (value === UNINITIALIZED) {
          throw new TypeError(
            `Accessor ${name} hasn’t been initialized yet`
        return value;
      set(newValue) {
        const oldValue = get.call(this);
        if (oldValue !== UNINITIALIZED) {
          throw new TypeError(
            `Accessor ${name} can only be set once`
        set.call(this, newValue);

class Color {
  accessor name;
  constructor(name) {
    this.name = name;

可以明顯看出與前面 field @readonly decorator的差別,這邊不需要在 class 外包裹一層

Last Updated:
Contributors: johnnywang