Sequelize 筆記


建議透過 sequelize-cli 快速搭建環境配置,以及構建完整 models, migrations 環境

以 Koa 舉例,安裝如下

$ npm install sequelize sequelize-cli sqlite3 koa koa-body @koa/router


$ npx sequelize init

創建 model

$ npx sequelize model:generate --name office --attributes name:string
$ npx sequelize model:generate --name lesson --attributes name:string
$ npx sequelize model:generate --name teacher --attributes name:string, officeId:integer
$ npx sequelize model:generate --name teacher_lesson --attributes lessonId:integer,teacherId:integer

修改 migration

  1. teacher 1 to many relation 修改 teacher 的 migration file 加上 references
'use strict';
module.exports = {
  async up(queryInterface, Sequelize) {
    await queryInterface.createTable('teachers', {
      // ...
      officeId: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
        references: {
          model: 'offices', // need to be pluralized in migration
          key: 'id',
      // ...
  // ...
  1. teacher_lesson M to N relation 修改 teacher_lesson 的 migration file 加上 references
module.exports = {
  async up(queryInterface, Sequelize) {
    await queryInterface.createTable('teacher_lessons', {
      // ...
      lessonId: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING,
        references: {
          model: 'lessons', // need to be pluralized in migration
          key: 'id'
      teacherId: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING,
        references: {
          model: 'teachers', // need to be pluralized in migration
          key: 'id'
      // ...
  // ...

添加 model relations

model relation 關係按照以下方式判讀

  1. A.belongsTo(B)
// A 屬於 B
A.belongsTo(B, {
  foreignKey: 'B_Id', // 在 A 上添加 B 的 foreignKey
  1. A.belongsToMany(B) 以下為預設的 belongsToMany 行為,會自動添加兩方的 id 為 foreignKey
// A 屬於多個 B
A.belongsToMany(B, {
  through: 'A_B',
  foreignKey: 'A_Id', // 在 A_B 上添加 source A 的 foreignKey
  otherKey: 'B_Id', // 在 A_B 上添加 target B 的 foreignKey
  1. A.hasOne(B), A.hasMany(B) 因為 A, B 關係是成對存在,建議以一種方式添加 foreignKey 即可,例如 belongsTo 已經添加,則對應的 hasOne 或 hasMany 就可以省略
// A 擁有多個 B
A.hasMany(B, {
  foreignKey: 'B_Id', // 在 B 上添加 A 的 foreignKey

按照上述規則添加 model relations

// office model
// foreignKey 在 teacher 的 belongsTo 添加
// lesson model
lesson.belongsToMany(models.teacher, {
  through: models.teacher_lesson,
  foreignKey: 'lessonId',
// teacher model
teacher.belongsTo(, {
  foreignKey: 'officeId',

teacher.belongsToMany(models.lesson, {
  through: models.teacher_lesson,
  foreignKey: 'teacherId',
// teacher_lesson model
teacher_lesson.belongsTo(models.lesson, {
  foreignKey: 'lessonId',
teacher_lesson.belongsTo(models.teacher, {
  foreignKey: 'teacherId',

更新 config.json 配置

  "development": {
    "storage": "./db.sqlite",
    "dialect": "sqlite"

migrate models

$ npx sequelize db:migrate

建立 koa server

const Koa = require('koa');
const KoaRouter = require('@koa/router');
const koaBody = require('koa-body');

const app = new Koa();
const router = new KoaRouter({ prefix: '/api' });

router.get('/', (ctx) => {
  ctx.body = 'welcome';

// ... apis


app.listen(8000, () => console.log('server listen 8000'));

db manager 筆記

  1. createTeacherLesson 建立一筆 中間表 的紀錄
const createTeacherLesson = async (lessonId, teacherId) => {
  const result = await models.teacher_lesson.create({
  return result;
  1. getTLsByTeacher 拿取指定 teacher 並包含其所有 lessons
const getTLsByTeacher = async (teacherId) => {
  const result = await models.teacher.findAll({
    where: { id: teacherId },
    include: {
      model: models.lesson,
      // exclude associate select
      through: {
        attributes: []
  return result;


Last Updated:
Contributors: johnnywang