Parse User Object 章節


  • username(required).
  • password(required on signup).
  • email(optional).

Sign up

const user = new Parse.User();
user.set("username", "my name");
user.set("password", "my pass");
user.set("email", "");

// other fields can be set just like with Parse.Object
user.set("phone", "415-392-0202");
await user.signUp();


const user = await Parse.User.logIn("myname", "mypass", {
  usePost: true
// Do stuff after successful login.

Current User

const currentUser = Parse.User.current();
if (currentUser) {
  // do stuff with the user
} else {
  // show the signup or login page

Set Current User

Parse.User.become("session-token-here").then(function (user) {
  // The current user is now set to user.


Parse.User.logOut().then(() => {
  const currentUser = Parse.User.current();  // this will now be null

Security For Other Objects

對物件添加安全性檢視條件,下面範例對新的 note 添加新創建限制為 current user 的 ACL

  • Parse.ACL: access control list
  • setReadAccess(targetObject, boolean)
  • setWriteAccess(targetObject, boolean)
  • setPublicReadAccess(boolean)
  • setPublicWriteAccess(boolean)


  • 直接套用
const Note = Parse.Object.extend("Note");
const privateNote = new Note();
privateNote.set("content", "This note is private!");
privateNote.setACL(new Parse.ACL(Parse.User.current()));;
  • 細部添加對象物件
const groupMessage = new Message();
const groupACL = new Parse.ACL();

// userList is an array with the users we are sending this message to.
for (let i = 0; i < userList.length; i++) {
  groupACL.setReadAccess(userList[i], true);
  groupACL.setWriteAccess(userList[i], true);
  • 複雜場景(新增 post,限制權限在當前用戶,並開放 read 權限公開)
const publicPost = new Post();
const postACL = new Parse.ACL(Parse.User.current());

Linking User

Parse 可使用第三方驗證進行註冊用戶或登入,使用 linkWith 方法進行綁定、登入(若第一次呼叫會自動 create user,並返回 userInfo)

const myAuthData = {
  id: '12345678'  // Required field. Used to uniquely identify the linked account.
const user = new Parse.User();
await user.linkWith('providerName', { authData: myAuthData });

或是可以在 Parse Server 的 options 提供客製化的 user login module,詳情請參考這邊open in new window

const CustomAuth = require('./CustomAuth');

const api = new ParseServer({
  auth: {
    myAuth: {
      module: CustomAuth,
      option1: 'hello',
      option2: 'world',

app.use('/parse', api);

query 進行 select authData 的問題

另外需注意,如果要使用 select 取得 authData 的話,不能直接'authData'),因為 DB 裡不是存這個欄位名稱,需使用這裡描述open in new window_auth_data_xxxx才能拿到,比如 _auth_data_facebook

Last Updated:
Contributors: johnnywang